#agameaday Take the Olympic Sport of Race Walking add obstacles...
#agameaday Take the Olympic Sport of Race Walking add obstacles and give it the Black Friday attitude, the end result is “Popeye Rush for Spinach” on the GameBoy Advance. Published by Namco
#NINTENDO #GAMEBOY #gba #gameboyadvanced #popeye #racewalking #blackfriday #gamer #videogames #retrogames
22nd Sep 2016
#agameaday Butt-Ugly Martians was a fun name for a series. I...
#agameaday Butt-Ugly Martians was a fun name for a series. I suppose its no surprise that it featured both the voice talents of Yakko and Wakko Warner!
#Nintendo #gameboy #gba #Animaniacs
20th Sep 2016
Waaaaaa? Mario Maker on Nintendo 3ds….who didn’t...
Waaaaaa? Mario Maker on Nintendo 3ds….who didn’t see that coming?
You would think New Nintendo 3ds faceplate No.67 would have been a strong indicator.
This would seem like another mail in the Wii U coffin…sadly this will be a downport and will not have all the features. However this release Nintendo seems to acknowledge and prioritize user created data will remain with the user on their system and not stored on a server to get randomly flagged and erased by Nintendo.
With many depressing chan
1st Sep 2016
#Imports - Super Famicom New Nintendo 3ds XL Special...
#Imports - Super Famicom New Nintendo 3ds XL Special Edition
#nintendo3ds #n3dsxl #nintendo
27th Aug 2016
#agameaday Nintendo made a Pokemon 1st Person Shooter…and...
#agameaday Nintendo made a Pokemon 1st Person Shooter…and it was AWESOME!
The Nintendo 64 oddly featured the greatest first person shooters of its generation. 007 GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, Turok, WinBack, the 1st SouthPark game and yes….. Pokémon Snap!
Switching your gun to a camera and replacing Grenades with Apples, the core framework for Pokemon Snap still remained very much a first person shooter.
At the end of each level you present your pictures to Professor Oak and receive points base
26th Aug 2016