The Cosmos begins to burn as the Golden Saints are ready to rise once again; a classic manga and its anime adaptation that captures fans from Japan and across the world especially Europe and South...
Rodea the Sky Soldier (Nintendo Wii U)
Take to the skies and defend Garuda, the Sky Kingdom against the mechanized forces of the Naga Empire as Rodea, a humanoid flying robot known as a "sky...
Iron Crypticle - Limited Run (Playstation 4)
Grab loot and gobble up all manner of foods to build up your XP. Choose your path wisely and UPGRADE your abilities to help you face the challenges of...
IRON WINGS - Red Art Games (Nintendo Switch)
Player takes on the role of the two pilots, Jack and Amelia, as they attempt to take down Nazi aerial menace across a rich campaign of missions, each...
Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain [ENGLISH MULTI LANGUAGE] (Playstation 4)
The Earth Defense Force series moves away from its traditional series and into new territory with this new project...